Tuesday 9 May 2017

Target Audience Feedback

Target Audience Feedback – Bethany Whale

WWW – It uses a consistent colour scheme throughout the magazine, making it very appealing to look at.

EBI – Try to get a different variety of photos, maybe of more males as it looks like the magazine is aimed at females and not the younger generation as a whole.

WWW – Great photography skills with many images using direct eye contact to connect with the reader.

EBI – Put a pug or a puff on the front cover to advertise the monthly competition.

Target Audience Feedback – Saja Kamareddine

WWW – The layout is not stereotypical of normal classical magazines which it makes it more interesting.

EBI – Use a variety of different fonts as similar fonts are used throughout the magazine which could get boring.

WWW – The colour palette used is very attractive and gives it a vintage and premium look.

EBI – Some of the images don’t use direct eye contact such as the main image on the front cover and this does not draw in the audience.

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